In a time of division it is more than ever before that people are shown the glory of our Lord. Maverick City Music is a time of fellowship where the Christian community can congregate in faith and transformation to glorify God! Joining the congregation will be some of the nation's most gifted speakers and worhip leaders, all meeting at The Fillmore Silver Spring on Monday 10th July 2023! Bringing hope to believers in troubled times, people will leave this event refreshed and ready to share the gospel of the Lord!
Join the company of hundreds of other Christians in a blissful night of worship, prayer, and jubilation as Maverick City Music sings utmost to His highest in a concert event at The Fillmore Silver Spring, Silver Spring, Maryland this Monday 10th July 2023. The renowned Christian singer will perform hits from previous albums as well as exciting materials that will surely envelop the entire The Fillmore Silver Spring with hope, faith, and love from our savior Jesus Christ. Feel the manifestations of God's love through powerful songs that expess saviourvictory, grace, and salvation. If you are looking for a place to enrich your faith with songs, praise and worship, this is the event for you and the entire family. Secure the best seats in the venue by placing your ticket orders as early as today!
The Fillmore Silver Spring
8656 Colesville Road, Silver Spring, Maryland, 20910, United States